2014 Great Texas Warrant Round Up

Avoid the Warrant Round Up! – Sabinal Municipal Court

The 2014 Great Texas Warrant Roundup starts in February. Over 300 other jurisdictions across Texas will combine forces in what is believed to be the largest joint warrant round up of this type in Texas. The multi-jurisdictional warrant roundup start date will be announced soon and we will update the blog to provide you with the latest information and the list of jurisdictions that will participate this year.

The Warrant Roundup has two phases:

  • The first phase, will consist of a grace period (Warrant Calls). During this time, anyone who has outstanding warrants is encouraged to resolve their case without penalty of arrest.
  • The last phase is the Enforcement Period. During this time, individuals will be “rounded up” at their homes, work and around town and brought to the court to address their outstanding warrants before a judge.

Resolve your Sabinal Outstanding Traffic Tickets and Active Warrants Now.

We receive many calls from people asking about the benefits of hiring an attorney to resolve their active arrest warrants and traffic tickets.

The answer is simple:

  1. Save Time – Most cases can be resolved without you having to appear in court. Our traffic ticket attorneys will appear on your behalf and resolve your case. There is no need for you to take time off work and spend hours and the court house.
  2. Save Money – Our attorneys can typically negotiate to have the ticket fines reduced. We have also successfully negotiated a reduced time of deferred disposition for many of our clients.
  3. Avoid Arrest -By retaining our attorneys, you can rest assured that your case is handled properly and you will not have to worry about being arrested due to outstanding warrants.

If you or someone you know has an outstanding warrant or a traffic ticket in the City of Sabinal or anywhere else in the State of Texas, contact our traffic ticket lawyers today for a free initial consultation. Our attorneys will discuss your case with you and present you with the best course of action. Call us today and receive a free consultation from an experienced attorney, not a legal assistant.

Avoid the Warrant Round Up!

Call our lawyers today at (210) 722-9089.

For more information visit www.sanantonioticketlaw.com